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Initiative for Research and Innovation in STEM (IRIS) National Fair is a public-private partnership program funded by the Department of Science & Technology (DST), and Broadcom; and implemented by EXSTEMPLAR Education Linkers Foundation.
IRIS promotes and nurtures Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) research amongst young Indian innovators. It recognizes and rewards outstanding projects and provides a platform for young innovators to get recognized at national and international STEM events.
The IRIS National Fair is conducted annually in India for school students, who compete in 21 subject categories. Winners of the IRIS National Fair go on to represent India at the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) held in USA. Till 2021, a total of 291 Indian students have participated in ISEF and have won 177 awards and accolades at this unique mega international event.
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Organizer: ARAI Category: Virtual Exhibition Date: 21st January, 2022 Explore Event |
The platform now has a beautifully designed virtual lobby. The event is easily understood by users thanks to a lobby that provides various previews of it. Visitors may access other parts of the facility via the lobby, which also functions as a virtual lobby.
The lobby has designated spaces where sponsors may display banner ads and marketing videos. The sponsor's booth is accessible to all interested attendees from the hall itself.
At the Help desk, all the event-related information was easily accessible. A substantial amount of event itinerary research data was also shown via banners. Attendees might contact representatives of the organisation from the information desk with any questions. There was a chat option for that.
A well-designed exhibit hall allows visitors to visit more intriguing exhibitors during the event.
The user will access their preferred area according to the subject. The user may click on each exhibit to browse booths organized by subject, such as mathematics, material science, physics, etc.
The participants will spend their entire time in the well built gaming area. Several games with infinite attempts to score points are available.
With more than 84000 registrations, 49500 attendees, and 30+ live sessions, IRIS's biggest event debut.
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